Find your passion and expand your creative abilities through the Bachelor of 艺术s in 戏剧艺术.

Mary Moody Northen 剧院' production of "Rhinoceros"



Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来.



学习表演这门手艺的各个方面, 导演, 设计, administration — and graduate prepared to work in any part of a theater organization.

你可以选择专注于设计和技术:照明, 服装, 发型和化妆, 道具及布景设计. 或者专攻管理, coordinating the logistical aspects of a show and the business side of a theater. Or be a part of the next generation storytellers and chose our new 新兴形式 track.

No matter what you choose, you’ll learn from working alongside professional artists. 你也有机会获得演员权益的会员资格, 专业演员和舞台管理人员的工会.

自编自导. 设计一套服装,从图纸到成品. Make your friends laugh until they cry in a show with your improv troupe. 学习音乐、舞蹈和戏剧史. And work on four productions a year at the intimate Mary Moody Northern 剧院, 一直受到奥斯汀评论家的好评.


戏剧艺术专业s go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • Production manager for the Broadway production house of Juniper Street in New York City
  • Assistant production manager for Hudson Scenic Shop, a commercial scenery construction shop
  • 太阳马戏团LUZIA巡演的服装主管
  • Development associate for 剧院 for a New Audience, in New York City
  • 耶鲁大学设计专业硕士

For more information about the 戏剧艺术专业, please contact Assistant Professor 凯瑟琳领导人. 戏剧艺术专业是 表演艺术系.



来自专业戏剧界的客座艺术家, 电影和电视工作与教师和学生在生产. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in hands-on work in acting, 写作, 设计与导演.


除了, students in the 戏剧艺术专业 are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the variety of arts supported by the vibrant culture of Austin. 在圣. 爱德华的,你将与这个国际大都市的脉搏相连. Austin is home to a community of people who appreciate the beauty of human expression. 融入当地文化会滋养你的灵魂. 它也是创造力的中心,吸引着世界级的活动. Your immersion in such a colorful art scene will enrich your educational experience and connect you to people who share your passion. 


对我们的节目感兴趣? Join us for a unique preview of what it is like to be a theater student at St. 爱德华的. Prospective theater students who have applied for university admission and been accepted to St 爱德华的 are invited to join us in February for a weekend of theater program activities. 你将有机会旁听课程, 参观校园, 与在读学生共进晚餐, 为戏剧奖学金试镜, 看表演, 与演员和工作人员见面,并与大学教师一起参加研讨会. 奖学金甄选周末 is a perfect way to test your 'fit' with the theater program as you are making that all-important college decision. 了解更多关于奖学金试镜周末.


戏剧艺术专业 基特·泰勒19 反映了 on the era of mass shootings in a solo performance for her Performing Nonfiction class.


Adjunct 戏剧艺术 instructor Cara Firestone and university accompanist Susan Finnigan are partnering to teach 音乐剧 Showcase this spring, an upper-level course that's part of the 音乐剧 minor — perfect for anyone considering a career in it or just has a passion for musicals.